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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  October 3, 2011 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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a violent scene in san francisco after a man stabs two people and then is shot by police. radical changes within california's criminal justice system. following the developments in amanda knox's appeal from italy. >> rain is on the way. christina loren is tracking the wet weather. what to expect and when. the 11:00 am news starts now.
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good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. >> and i'm marla tellez. an elderly man and woman stabbed. a man left wielding two knives, shot by police. it all happened this morning in san francisco's inner richmond district. nbc bay area's damian trujillo is live. what can you tell us? >> reporter: it happened in that off-white colored home behind me just after 7:00 this morning. investigators are still trying to determine the relationship of those involved. when police arrived, they found an elderly asian man with stab wounds, then an elderly asian woman with life-threatening stab wounds. when they tried to help, another man came at him with two knives over his head. they fired at him with a bean bag sort of gun.
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that didn't work. one officer shot him. police still don't know the relationship between the victims and the suspect. >> it's not clear as to what the motive is in this particular attack, but what we do know is that they're not strangers to one another. they do know one another. the investigation will determine what the motive was or the relationship actually was. >> reporter: it was not random? >> no, it was not a random act. it is a tragedy, though. >> reporter: there was another woman hiding upstairs when police arrived. she was not injured. in all, four total people were involved. they have not identified those involved. internal affairs is here, as is the d.a.'s, the case in all officer-involved shootings. i'm damian trujillo. back to you. >> thanks for the update. a deadly officer-involved
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shooting was caught on tape. the police department won't comment about what exactly the video shows other than saying a camera worn on the chest of an officer videotaped the shooting. it happened last weekend after two officers pulled over a car with two people inside. the suspects had guns and drugs and then they took off. after one of them was caught, he was shot during a struggle with police. city of oakland has 350 wearable cameras, attached to the chests of their officers. a manhunt continues in san leandro this morning. investigators are searching for the men who opened fire at a weekend party, killing three people and injuring three more. nbc bay area's christie smith joins us with the latest on the search and what we know about the victims. what's happening out there? >> reporter: i just got off the phone with a friend of one of the victims. she tells me she was a youth mentor in the east bay for several years. she describes her as very motivated young person.
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of course, that friend we're spoken with is devastated. shanice was one of three people shot and killed in san leandro. they've interviewed about 15 witnesses, but they need more. broken glass marks the spot where three people were shot and killed in a warehouse parking lot in san leandro, after a party of about 200 people early sunday. >> the party ended around 12:30 in the morning. doors were closed, locked. the partygoers were in the parking lot. some filtered and left the area. we still believe the shooting occurred around 1:15, 1:20 in the morning. >> 19-year-old shanice kiel drove her father's car to the party. she was killed along with 16-year-old leneasha northington and another man. two others are hurt and two remain hospitalized. >> we're trying to dial that down in terms of if there was a single person, if it was a
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random act of just wanting to create a tragedy. >> reporter: san leandro police say two shooters in dark hooded sweatshirts opened fire. whether they attended this tattoo party where people could actually get tattoos is unclear. advertised on social media sites. most importantly, they need witnesses to come forward. >> i'm hopeful that folks that maybe have been in shock from the initial incident today, when they assess what occurred, that they call us, contact us and are able to provide more information. >> reporter: now, that third victim has been identified as 23-year-old joshua from oakland. anyone who may have been there, police are reminding them, please give them a call. you can remain anonymous. they're hoping to have an update on this case some time after 2:00 this afternoon. back to you.
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>> christie, thank you. christina loren is tracking the rain. she joins us now with the latest. >> if you are waking up with us in the north bay, you are gettiget ing pounded in spots. we are starting to see light shower activity even along the peninsula. that front is draped across northern california, mostly at the coast. we have a winter storm watch in place for elevations above 6,000 feet. if you're headed to tahoe, you could bring the chains with you. we could see chain requirements. as we head through wednesday, take a look at this. red, yellow embedded within the green. these are at best in places that
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pick up the most accumulation. but between 11:00 pm tuesday and 11:00 pm wednesday, take a look at how much more moisture will pass through the bay area. we are talking about flooding potential, upwards of three inches of rain right now in the forecast to the north bay and a lot of that moisture will make its way south along the peninsula as well. there's that weather maker and dip in the jet stream. we'll talk about what that means for your city and, more important importantly -- >> major change in california's criminal system has taken effect. low level criminals will stay in county jails instead of being shipped off to california's prisons. the plan is known as realignment. it many coulds on the heels of supreme court decision in may, ordering california to reduce its population by about 30,000 inmates. the idea concentrates more on rehabilitation of the inmates.
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critics worry that low-level criminals will now know that the punishment is lighter and won't worry so much about getting caught. big changes at superior court all because of budget cuts. court services will stop at 4:00 pm monday through friday. this means you'll be turned away if you're not being helped at a window by 4:00. drop boxes are no longer available. criminal and traffic division offices will open 30 minutes later, at 9:00. other offices will still open at their normal time of 8:30 am. now, also happening today, 25 civil courtrooms are now closed indefinitely. the changes, of course, are all due to massive state budget cuts and layoffs. we could hear any time now the outcome of an appeal in italy. american amanda knox tearfully addressing a court this morning before her appeals trial went to
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jury. she was convicted of killing a british exchange student in 2009. speaking fluent italian, the 24-year-old student from seattle insisted she is not guilty of any crime. in a voice breaking with emotion, knox said i don't want my life taken away from me, because i am innocent. choking back tears, knox said she is paying with her life for something she didn't do. her co-defendant and former boyfriend also spoke to the judge and jury. raphael solliceto said he was living in a nightmare. in slow, measured tones, he said he had nothing to do with the murder of knox's roommate. both defendants denied knowing the african drifter, also
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convicted of murder and sexual assault of meredith kucher, an exchange student from england. in a final plea from knox's defense lawyer, he repeated that there is no evidence his client had anything to do with the crime. the crowds are still gathering outside the courtroom. although, the judge has said it won't be until 8:00 tonight local time before the judge and jury returns with a verdict, maybe even longer. it shows the incredible interest in this case, not just in perugia, but around the wormd. keith miller, nbc news, perugia. >> also gathering in seattle, knox's hometown of seattle. friends and family interested in the case are gathering there to check out the verdict. stay tuned with nbc bay area and forontinuing coverage of the amanda knox appeal. we'll be following the verdict and reaction as soon as a decision comes down.
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in southern california, the manslaughter trial of michael jackson's doctor begins its second week. richelle cooper is the e.r. doctor who gave paramedics permission to pronounce the pop star dead in 2009. dr. conrad murray, prosecutors contend, gave michael jackson a lethal dose of propofol. murray's attorneys contend that michael jackson gave himself the fatal dose when murray left the room. about 50,000 people are expected to attend a five-day event of drawing more than 500 vendors on the convention floor. it's all about the next big idea when it comes to database software. open world is boosting the local economy, of course, eating up almost 15,000 hotel rooms in the city and filling up restaurants
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with private parties. several lanes are closed thursday in the area and howard street specifically is shut down between 3rd and 4th. >> big party. >> tom petty and the heartbreakers wednesdays night on treasure island for special guests. >> big party. i like how they roll. right now, it's 11:12. why are we seeing a lot more police officers in south bay area schools this week? >> brooklyn bridge was shut down and they become zombies on wall street. we'll explain. company stock jumped this morning. scott mcgrew is ahead with all the business news. a live look over san francisco. plenty of cloudti coverthere. christina will be along in a few minutes to talk about the rainy
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forecast. welcome back, everybody. we're taking a live look at perugia, italy, right now.
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people are gathering outside the courtroom, awaiting the verdict on the amanda knox appeal. and also up in seattle, amanda knox's hometown, people doing the same thing, awaiting anxiously to see how the court rules on this one. of course, nbc will keep you updated as we will here at nbc bay area all day long. police will be out in force all day long, trying to keep children safe in traffic areas. the patrols take on extra significance after the death of a 6-year-old near east palo alto school last week. safe passage is to increase the safety of students going to and from school. officers will be handing out citations to speeders, jay walker, kids not wearing helmets and drivers who fail to stop for school buses when those lights are flashing. the campaign comes less than a week after the death that i just
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mentioned of a second grader hit and killed in a crosswalk in east palo alto. little sioreli torres was struck and killed. the driver of the car was a teacher and police say there's no indication she was speeding. tonight at 7:00, a vinmemorial l be held at st. francis church. criticizing corporate greed, occupied l.a. movement was inspired by the ongoing occupied wall street demonstration happening in new york city, now in their third week. protesters in the big apple dressed up as corporate zombies to greet wall street workers as they headed into the office. over the weekend, 700 people were arrested when they blocked traffic on the brooklyn bridge. protesters nationwide are using social media like facebook and
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twitter to gather momentum in their quest to inspire economic change. scott mcgrew says the market, he is very worried about the country defaulting on its debt. good morning. tepid start to the day on wall street. the first trading day of the fourth quarter. lousy close on friday. the dow fell more than 200 points. the grecian government over the weekend said it would not meet deadlines and that has investors very worried. thinking back to friday. remember i said keep an eye on the head of alibaba? he might express an interest in buying yahoo! that happened this morning, one of the few companies to gain this morning. another prediction for you. apple will announce something tomorrow. i know it's risky on my part, but i am going to stick with that. apple will meet with reporters tomorrow morning. we'll have full coverage on this tomorrow, live, right here.
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we'll tell you all about it. meantime, back to you. >> probably the iphone 5, huh? >> i'm sticking with him. something will happen, just like the weather. right? >> we'll wait and see. exactly. christina loren joins us with a look. it looks eerie behind us. >> something is happening in your old neck of the woods, marla. petaluma, next five to 15 minutes, heavy rain. orange, yellow and reds are getting ready to hit 101. if you're headed that way, travel cautiously. pretty extensive, starting along the peninsula will continue to rain for a few hours. what's so impressive is where the jet stream is taking this moisture. really well-defined, tightened area of low pressure will piush inland the next couple of days. we'll get a bit of a break tuesday. then the major weather changes. temperature maxing out in the
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50s at the peninsula, 60s inland. we could see up wards of three inches of rain before all is said and done in the north bay. let's go ahead and take a look at your future cast. we stopped the clock for you at 11:00 pm tuesday. this is your total for today and the first part of tomorrow. maybe an inch. then between 11:00 pm tuesday and 11:00 pm wednesday, take a look at how the contours change. you pick up the oranges, reds, measuring rain in inches. very juicy system. very early in the season to have a system like this pass through the bay area. we want to make sure you're ready for it. winter snow advisories as well. if you're headed up to the sierra nevada, snow levels, 6,000 feet. you could need chains as you head through the next couple of days. we'll be watching this for you and updating. track the radar in your neighborhood at back to you guys. >> thank you, christina.
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i'll keep my umbrella handy. >> and the hat. coming up, local race is bringing al gore to campaign in the bay area. also a health alert at a bay area college campus, the virus that has janitors working overtime.
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ban on krcircumcision, we'l take a look at what happened.
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welcome back. there's a new health advisory on the u.c. berkeley campus after several students have come down with the mumps. several cases involve students living in the dorms. there also is a suspected case at cheney hall. the mumps are contagious and can spread through saliva or mucus of an infected person. they must wash their hands
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frequently and check their medical records to make sure they've had at least two doses of the vaccine for mumps, measles and rubella. local governments creating their own for medical procedure. under the new law, legality can only be decided at the state level. supporters of the ban says circumcision on males under the age of 18 should be stopped because it's a painful surgery for an unwilling patient. top jobs will be getting support by a former vice president today. joined by al gore tonight at a $500 a ticket fund-raiser. she has worked with gore before she first ran for her first san francisco office in the '90s. meanwhile, most of the other candidates for san francisco mayor will be at a forum tonight
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hosted by the california music and cultural association. the event will feature musicians. all the other mayoral candidates are expected to attend. >> the ultimate in living on the enl. the job only a dare devil could love. what
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welcome back. the time now is 11:26. live look at oakland. dark clouds are rolling in. showers are expected to start and become more steady in the city of oakland as we head through 12:00 to 2:00 pm. rothh this front beforro we hit 7:00 pm. expect a messy commute. we have another stronger system on the way for wednesday, guys. back to you. >> okay. got to get ready for the rain. >> boots and all. >> finally this morning, we have some incredible video of a
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daring stunt performance in china. all we can say is holy smokes and do not try this at home. >> don't try it anywhere. a balancing artist performed on a tiny little stage there built over a cliff on china's mt. thai. a mike out there, stacked up three chairs, and just another day at the office for him. >> wow! >> working on this skill since he was about 5 years old. i'm not sure that you can work on these skills. risking life and limb. he also workd with circus troupes all over the world. by the end, just having a good old time. i can't think of a better way to pass a leisurely afternoon in a tight, red spandex suit thousands of feet above the ground. >> just hanging out there. making me nervous to watch that video. >> absolutely. he pulled it off well. now, we are getting word
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that the court in perugia, italy, will announce a decision in amanda knox's appeal at 12:30 pacific time. so, one hour from now. >> reporters outside the italian courtroom and in amanda's hometown in seattle. we'll carry that decision live at 12:30 pacific. make sure you join nbc bay area
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at 5:00, 6:00 and 11:00.


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